Version 3 Change Notes

v3.3 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix occasional reset when adding the 61st fixture to a layout.

v3.2 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix reset in the Execute window when recording to blank items.

  • The Layout window did not allow more than 60 fixtures to be added to the layout. This is now fixed.

  • Fix issue where the Group + button wasn’t shown when recording groups in the Layout window.

  • Fix issue where the 'Move' action didn’t work in the Execute window.

  • Fix Backup to USB function on QuickQ consoles. #0021247

  • Fix reset when using the Execute window on the Remote App.

v3.1 Stable

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where show files would not save reliably on the console.

v3.0 Stable

  • Quicker…​ Use the popup Range window to quickly find and select attribute values.

  • Easier…​ Use the grid control to quickly layout fixtures and groups in the Layout window.

  • Quicker…​ Make backups to USB quickly using the Backup to USB button.

  • Easier…​ Move playbacks and fixtures to better arrange the show file.

  • Quicker…​ Patch rigs faster using the improved RDM autopatch function.

New Features

Access Levels

QuickQ v3 introduces a new feature to lock down console programming. Access Levels can be used to prevent users from making unwanted changes to the show files.

There are 3 access levels, Admin is the default and allows unlimited control of the console, patch and settings. Programmer allows users to program shows but not to change the patch or settings. Operator prevents any changes to the show file, but the show can still be operated as normal. When in the Operator level the home screen changes to the Execute window.

The access level can be changed in the Settings window. The Admin and Programmer access levels can be password protected, and passwords can be changed in the Settings window. The current access level and the passwords are stored in the show file. The user must enter the current Admin password before they can change a password.

When changing to the Operator user the console will be cleared.

Move Fixtures and Playbacks

  • Playbacks can now be moved onto other faders and onto the Execute window. Items in the Execute Window can also be moved onto Playback faders and Cue faders.

  • It is now possible to move fixtures onto different faders after they have been patched. Press the Action icon, then select some fixtures, press Move then select where they need to go.

  • It is now possible to set fixture numbers in the Patch window.

Attribute Control

  • A long press on an encoder that is controlling an attribute with ranges will bring up a Ranges window showing all the ranges available making it quick and easy to select prisms, strobe effects, iris macros and colour temperatures.

  • Attribute faders controlling an attribute with ranges now have a tumbler control similar to that in the encoders to select ranges. A long press on the tumbler control will bring up the Ranges window.

Other New Features

  • Add a new Backup to USB{#v3USB} button to the Files window. This saves the current show to a USB drive then performs some checks to ensure that the file has saved successfully. QuickQ will display a message when the file has been saved and it is safe to unplug the USB drive. It is no longer possible to save to USB drives using the Save Show As... button.

  • Add a button to the Files window that removes old backup files. This will free up hard drive space.

  • Fixtures and groups in the Layout window can now be lined up to a grid. Unlock the layout then click on Grid{#v3Grid} to display the grid. When fixtures and groups are moved they will snap to the grid.

  • QuickQ will now check with the user before changing the addresses of RDM fixtures when doing an RDM autopatch{#v3RDM}. It also shows a list of the fixtures it has found while performing the auto patch.

  • QuickQ now remembers what window was on the external monitor when it was shut down and will display the same window the next time it starts up.

User Interface Changes

  • The Action menu now allows actions to be selected before items. It is possible to press the Action icon, then the Remove icon, then click on something to remove it.

  • The fader LEDs no longer flash when recording or in Action mode. Instead they change colour in the same way as the items on the screen.

  • The fader LEDs are brighter when the fixture is selected, and dimmer when it is not selected to make it easier to see the difference.

  • Notification messages now appear at the bottom of the main window above the Playbacks.

  • A notification message is now displayed after recording. If something new has been created the Name button provides a quick way to name it.

  • QuickQ used to show the internal cue stack number in the Cue Stack window, now it shows the playback number to make it clearer what is being edited.

  • Cue Faders are now called cue faders in the Action dialog windows instead of playbacks.

  • In Theatre Mode the Release button is shown for all playbacks that do not release when the fader is set to 0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where the positions of fixtures and groups in the Layout window would change slightly after QuickQ had been shut down.

  • Fix issue in Execute window where link graphics did not show correctly. #0020392

  • Fix an occasional reset in the Execute Window.

  • On some Windows PC’s the Offline Designer would open with plain white windows and would not display the UI. This is now fixed. #0020365

  • Fix 'Find fixture' functionality. Sometimes the Add Fixture dialog wouldn’t find the correct fixture using the text search until after QuickQ had indexed the heads. #0020529

  • Fix issue where Playback flash buttons did not select the playback.

  • Fix issue where connecting the Remote App would cause the console playbacks to reset.

  • Fix issue where opening the Gobo window in the Remote App would set the gobo wheel to Open.

  • Fix issue where the Xfade fader did not appear to work if the Theatre Playback was not current.

  • Fix the Xfade fader in the Offline Designer App.

  • Fix issue where Execute cues and Cue faders would be recorded with a 3 second fade when in Theatre Mode. #0020389

  • Fix issue where QuickQ would set the grand master to 100% if it was turned on with the grand master at 0.