Chapter 28. Version

28.1. New Features

Added the "Timecode/DJ" status tab. To access press "SETUP", "VIEW SYSTEM" and then "VIEW STATUS". Any active connections to any DJ devices will have their relevant information about the current connection displayed. The displayed statuses are to help debug any network issues, if you having any trouble with DJ protocols please attach a screenshot of this window along with your query to support.

Allow Extra Wing when used with Stadium Connect in Stadium Connect Panel mode. Note due to the Stadium Connect 10 playbacks per page only the first 20 playbacks are supported on the Extra Wing.

28.2. Bug Fixes

Fix for Cue Stack Macros Transmit OSC and Audio Play which were broken in recent betas.

Fix for Timeline Window failing to load layers onto of each other.

Fix for Timeline Window crash when selecting an empty playback.

Fix for copying cues/steps in large groups works without changing space between cues/steps. #0030888

Fix for TCNet protocol detection issues on consoles, Linux and Mac. #0030856

Fix for Execute Window cursor’s previous location in Coloured mode not being cleared when the cursor is moved on some platforms. #0030990

Fix for Palette View window state where after setting a Tracker option it would not be possible to do further actions in the window with it saying "Invalid Tracker"

Fix for when entering degrees into the Pan / Tilt attributes where entering "270" for a fixture with a maximum pan of 270, would end up showing -270 instead.

Fix for UNDO which was not working correctly since v1.9.2.0 #0030948 #0030238

Fix for VDIMs not applying correctly when Heads with VDIMS removed and then repatched to channels they were previously on.

Fix for updating Cues using Palettes when using Net Sessions and Palettes are updated on a Slave console. #0031393